Apartments can be of various sizes, 1BHK, 2BHK, or 3BHK. So it depends upon the individual’s affordability and needs and which apartments they will choose. Most of us prefer to go for 2 BHK initially as it seems a bit more spacious than 1BHK, but the concept is not always true. It has been seen that many prefer 1BHK flats for comfort, and they also look spacious. 

The couple who don’t have kids prefer this kind of apartment. It is seen that they hardly welcome anyone to stay with them, so they prefer one bedroom apartment. Now, if the square feet of these apartments are nearly 800, you will get easy and comfy rooms. They usually have a bedroom, a dining area, and a vast hall where you can adjust a sofa cum bed if anyone accidentally stays at your place. So these apartments are mostly chosen by bachelors or students as it’s a bit pocket friendly and can keep clean and tidy. More space leads to more untidiness. Everyone thinks about the cost; now, if a guy is being transferred to a new place with a new job, he will initially face a few financial issues. Still, in between, if he gets a nice spacious room with the affordable prize, it’s a kind of have a blast situation.

Now location also matters the cost of a one-bedroom flat can differ depending upon the location whether it’s in the city as can avail all the usefulness or in outskirts. Now, most people go for rent in these apartments as they don’t know when they are going to get transferred or switch to any other job. So few people try to buy furniture or other appliances for rent so that they must not face the hassle of holding it again to another party. So a fridge, television, an almirah or a dressing table is good in this area. Now, if the flats are a bit furnished, you need to rent or buy them.

It’s not a matter that you are staying in how many flats, the issue is to turn it into a home with the help of your creativity then this flat will also look incredible. The individual must feel happy; otherwise, without happiness, they will feel claustrophobic about how big the flat can be. So before buying flats, try to do a bit of research by visiting that place or asking anyone you know who resides in that particular area so that, in the long run, you must not get cheated.